Saturday, January 19, 2013

White Lioness and SIRIUS by Roshandra

White Lions and SIRIUS energy inflowing...Leo energy and the Divine Feminine...CATS By Roshandra
Message from Roshandra January 19, 2013

The WHITE Lions and SIRIUS....the Stars are speaking more to us and the LEY LINES and GRID that the White Lions aid us with with GAIA and Protect us...are coming in more and we all focus on the Animal Kingdom and the connection to the Solar Plexus Power and Will Chakra in our own bodies we are making great Inner Alignments with this energy and the SYSTEM of SOLAR Light....the SUN ...and the Planet SIRIUS .... notice the past week how much came up around the solar plexus,,,stomach area...and Power...this FULL moon coming is in the Sign of LEO is going to be Extremely POWERFUL and just before February's Mercury RETROGRADE and Saturn's RETROGRADE...February will be a TOUGH Month so do keep CLEARING and ALIGNING and BALANCING...the White Lions are being made seen with the FEMININE energy of the STARS and the LIONESSES are aiding us greatly.....please share the Message and LION energy of this Post...Much Love ...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Airriel

please visit the WHITE Lioness Marah page on Facebook and read about the Lions of TIMBAVTI ...
spread the link and word also...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Gabriel...

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