Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Relationship parental models of love and you and another oh yes and karma to grow..LOVE


THE LOVE you are seeking is seeking yourself as well...find that LOVE WITHIN yourself first all else follows... Yes relationships are coming but clearing our the old ones is KEY first and part of your learning curve along with the archetypal parent issues...

now here is a SECRET i thought Everyone Knew...apparently not for this is what my counseling work ends up doing mostly....i am a PARENT FIGURE to those that work with me a Guide a Guru and a Soul Mother....what happens is the parents YOU EACH GOT was exactly the right one you needed and your karma SIGNED on does that mean you need to stay with a mean or abusive parent or a crazy one LOL or one that is showing you at age 26-29 the Saturn return period that you NO LONGER needed the MODEL...once we begin to outgrow our limiting beliefs and grow up or grow in ourselves we CHANGE THE MODEL.... the Archetypes are LESSONS all 22 of them to GROW and grow through and learn from..and are all doing this.... MUCH LOVE ...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael....i administer a lot of 'tough motherly love too' LOL...get moving..♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
 Blessings Roshandra *

“The highest form of love
is to be the protector
of another person’s solitude...”

~~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Sunday, April 28, 2013

New moon May 10, 2013 with Roshandra PUJA Moon Classes

NEW Moon in Taurus May 10th, 2013    
             and Three day ON LINE Puja classes with Roshandra
dark moon phase and TAURUS clearing of the Astrology 2nd house....what we VALUE....
this moon also has an eclipse to it and we are going to be looking at what we LOVE....additionally there is going to be a lot going on around Money and the changes this system is moving into now....

              do not fear this time or shift. We are in TRANSITION and this means stuff is crumbling, we are letting go of what is not working or serves our lives and 3 D living along with figuring out new systems that give us the ability to be self sufficient yet coming from our Spirits and our Hearts.

so Taurus is about what is KEY in our Heart VALUES and what will connect this to the EARTH while at the same time giving us a grounded energy of these high flying energy waves we are all experiencing.  Mars is moving into Taurus too and this helps to give us some stable feelings and steps in a more earthly way.  Get outside into Nature.  See how she PERFECTLY organizes and orchestrates through the seasons.  You will figure this out and then KEEP at whatever you feel you Value with Heart and the Fruit of your labor from your own HANDS on this.   

        we are all going through this and learning this and Creating our NEW WORLD with LOVE, Light and a NEW Structure of this with HARMONY...Abundance and for sure Wealth and Beauty.
Please share the message.....Roshandra warmly writing on and sharing  *

Friday, April 26, 2013

Wealth and manifesting...

a RIPPLE in the Universe.... WEALTH
this Scorpio Moon is filled with Mystery and amazing messages... is your spiritual birth right to be able to Manifest and Create...but what does mess up many that work with the SECRET...Law of Attraction is that one must be CLEARED from inside of the other programs and lessons on this and money....with the PARADIGM shifting and thank goodness...those that understand that and created large amounts of money/things....the Spiritual side must be developed and maturing...right now with so many the past 10 plus years jumping on the band wagon of ' YOU CAN have anything you want'...found out this is not creating the money or things they wanted...due to that fact i just mentioned...ONE they must become more MATURE Spiritually aware Manifestors and also that they must CLEAN out the old programs and karma...... Creating is changing and how we create and WHAT we the Male Way of doing this is CHANGING things crumble or let go this old way this was structured is in the process of this change and so...many WILL BE Creating easily soon now what they Desire, Need and Want...this means the sharing of this wealth and this means living in Spiritual Abundance... our Birth right to create what we need and this higher energy of the 5 D in this existing 3 is COMING....

 Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel URIEL..

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Light of the Stars ...the Sun...the Divine FEMININE

ah the LIGHT amazing energy changes this weekend ...Let there be LIGHT...and Love and all things Beautiful....Cosmic Light pouring in and a beautiful SHIFT ...Blessings Roshandra *
we are dancing in this energy and the feeling of STARS...
The Feminine energy is flooding in and flowing to us and we are sensing 
this SOPHIA aspect of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Her LIGHT.
Recently i came across information on SOPHIA as being the Creatrix of Gaia of Earth and of this experiment of Humanity.  She put hereself into the experiment and now she too is awakening her body of the earth and we feel this with her.  Our bodies and nature is part of HERS.
Explore the SOPHIA Wisdom and Gnostic history and see what you discover.
so much is Aligning lately and with Divine STARRY Starry heavenly nights Shinning down and pouring forth upon us... Gaia is Awakening and the Sun and our own Awakeness of it ALL

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Airriel  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

7 concepts about Yourself you need to Know


Our world of duality is slowly changing. More of us are seeing each other for who we are and why we're here. Every aspect of our lives revolves around how we think and feel about ourselves and those around us. If we understand what we need to accept in our lives to move on, life is just so much easier. Practice accepting these seven things and your outlook on life will change very quickly.

1. Accept Responsibility

Guilt is a trick of the mind. Accept responsibility for yourself, your life and your actions. You are response-able. You are an adult. You are account-able, meaning, with every action you take, you account for it. You chose to do it; you must accept the consequences of it and you did it all for a learn. If you continue to feel guilty, you stop learning. You attract every single experience in your life, regardless of how positive or negative your perception is of that experience. You must come to terms that there are no negative experiences, only experiences.

2. Accept That Others Need To Experience Their Own Reality

Stop trying to bring people over to your team. They are on your team...they're just playing a different position. Everybody has their own version of the truth and your version is no more correct than theirs. Your version of the truth is dictated by your path and learning experience which is completely defined by your vibrational state. That is why we are so unique and capable of creating our own realities. We are what we think and feel. It is much wiser to agree to disagree than impose your truth on another person whose learning experience may be the polar opposite of your own, after all your truth is only YOUR TRUTH and not anyone else's. Think of every person as having their own Earth and your just another player in their game. They're making the rules, not you and they may possibly see and feel what you do one day, but until that day comes, be kind, respectful and share your knowledge in the most courteous way possible. The goal is to open doors, not close them

3. Accept That You Can't Change or Control Anybody Else

Be willing to let go of your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you -- situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street -- just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better that will make you feel. You can never control anybody but yourself. Your need to control others stems from your own fears and lack of control in your own life. As soon as you are able to let go, your need for control will end.
"By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning."
~ Lao Tzu

4. Accept That Money Is Only Energy And Nothing More

Money has become a symbol of oppression, control, restriction, greed, but is it really? What is money? Money is only energy and it is only what we make it. If you feel you are always lacking money and financial freedom, it is only a reflection of other problems in your life. Most people that desire financial wealth and don't have it are not allowing energy to flow. They have emotions and programs running that are blocking their ability to attract wealth. It has nothing to do with their job or income. Is has to do with how they feel about themselves and others. The key is to put ourselves in a frame of mind where we don't associate money with anything negative. However you choose to generate money, let it be doing something you really enjoy without a NEED to do it. When you NEED to do anything, energy will not flow. It must be because you WANT to do it and you ENJOY doing it. Positive mind, positive energy and the money will flow.

5. Accept That Your Expectations Will Filter Your Experience

Let go of any expectations of yourself that will limit your growth. If you hold high expectations for how others should behave, you will often be disappointed if they do not represent themselves in the manner you expected. It is only your expectations of people that cause you to judge them which ultimately is a judgement of yourself. Far too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need...and eventually they forget about themselves. You have one life -- this one right now -- you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.

6. Accept That You Don't Have To Be A Right-Fighter To Be True To Yourself

There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong -- wanting to always be right -- even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. We love to right-fight. It’s just not worth it because the state of being right is all subjective with so many layers and perspectives of truth. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: "Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?" ~ Wayne Dyer.

7. Accept That You Will Never Stand In Your Full Power, Unless You Release Your Fears

Constantly reliving and reacting to your past, attachments, resentments and fears is what keeps you from growing. We often assume the past looked so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for -- the past that you are now dreaming about -- was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. The moment you detach yourself from all those material things you don't need, you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying--a state beyond words. Let go of your internal resentment towards people, situations and events. If you hold a grudge, you only take power away from yourself and learning stops. Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist -- you created it. It’s all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place. Most of the limiting factors on this page stem from fear. Release your fear and everything will change in your life, almost simultaneously. Many successful people have achieved great heights only because they have let go of their fear of success.

Written by Josh Richardson 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Root Charka and the Mars energy for Women by Roshandra

as this Mars energy clears in WOMEN now and the next few weeks and month you will be feeling your ROOT Charka much more open and clear and SELF be sure to NOT GIVE away that energy to a man that needs are going through their own growth at the moment and some tough lessons but they need to figure this out on their own and get it....way too many mommy issues of old traumas showing up and this is in need of healing in the little boy of the man....encourage them to work on that and with someone....but are also having to move along in their growth now and self sufficiency on work or jobs and generating income aid their lives and families and loved ones..Men NEED to do that....WOMEN though you will be feeling as your ROOT chakra Muldahara clears and opens you will be more GROUNDED to the Earth and feel HER SUPPORTING your Life and your STEPS you are taking now...this is how it is moving us along..GROUNDED and standing on your own and with STABILITY...
i love Dancing With the Stars as i have mentioned and post on can see all ages of women that often need to work on BALANCE....and CORE STRENGTH...
i ride horses so CORE strength for balance is key DANCE this is so TRUE and figure out what works for you to get that Balance thing and BODY working as a UNIT...

enjoy the RED and ROOT Chakra you feel so good when you feel connected to GROUNDING yourself and Self Supporting 
and SUPPORT from the MOTHER OUR Gaia Earth.....

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael

Friday, February 22, 2013

Creating within the Fourth Dimension

Creating within the Fourth Dimension by Roshandra February 22, 2013

We entered what is 'termed' the FOURTH Dimension in November and December of 2012 and we are still dealing with the interesting waves of energy of the PHOTON Belt and the Rim of the Dark RIFF of the MILKY Ways...Stars Aligning and much is going on... BUT we are in a new Dimension while our body is in the 3 Dimension and so we have SHIFTED into this Paradigm of creating in A CUBE that is like a HOLOGRAM with many levels or tiers within this geometry form for us to move with.

Time bends as we go up in dimensions and frequencies and functions differently.  WE can FLOW more now and dodge and weave with our creativity and goals while we are mastering this new way of functioning.

Before in the 3 D we functioned in the Pyramid concept model of TOP down or the Building on a base of many others beneath the structure to hold the triangle geometry form.  NOT we are in this 4 D and it's like a HOLOGRAM... play with the concept and idea and get used to functioning in this new way and obstacles or blocks WILL NOT DETER or PREVENT you from achieving your foals and manifesting...

I t is like Star Trek on HOLO DECK  or a CHESS Game on more then one tier level all playing moves at the same time....YOU WILL WIN once you get the hang of of's RUNNING the GAUNTLET ...enjoy and CUBE with levels inside and all things are possible....

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel URIEL...creative manifesting...Namaste..

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

feng shui * The Art of Centering with Roshandra

                 Creating Sanctuary, Peace, Harmony and Deisgn
              spaces...clearing spaces...blessings
                                      The Art of Centering

February 10, 2013   The Year of the Water Snake  New Moon Cebration  

Saturday, January 19, 2013

White Lioness and SIRIUS by Roshandra

White Lions and SIRIUS energy inflowing...Leo energy and the Divine Feminine...CATS By Roshandra
Message from Roshandra January 19, 2013

The WHITE Lions and SIRIUS....the Stars are speaking more to us and the LEY LINES and GRID that the White Lions aid us with with GAIA and Protect us...are coming in more and we all focus on the Animal Kingdom and the connection to the Solar Plexus Power and Will Chakra in our own bodies we are making great Inner Alignments with this energy and the SYSTEM of SOLAR Light....the SUN ...and the Planet SIRIUS .... notice the past week how much came up around the solar plexus,,,stomach area...and Power...this FULL moon coming is in the Sign of LEO is going to be Extremely POWERFUL and just before February's Mercury RETROGRADE and Saturn's RETROGRADE...February will be a TOUGH Month so do keep CLEARING and ALIGNING and BALANCING...the White Lions are being made seen with the FEMININE energy of the STARS and the LIONESSES are aiding us greatly.....please share the Message and LION energy of this Post...Much Love ...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Airriel

please visit the WHITE Lioness Marah page on Facebook and read about the Lions of TIMBAVTI ...
spread the link and word also...Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Gabriel...

Tumble Dry on our clearings and wash load by Roshandra

Yesterday on Friday January 18, 2013 was a tumble DRY emotional roller coaster and emotions we are all feeling we MUST ALLOW and FEEL them so they can Release and let this energy SINKS in deeper and new WAVES OF Love hit us and Solar flares we are powerfully moving along in this PURIFICATION Process and then more ENLIGHTENMENT... once you got off that ride yesterday the image was being out in the SUN and drying off the emotional waters and fast ride and then a rest...

yeah letting go and quickly... LESS is better and keeping Life in a n up beat way that you are seeing things BREAK loose, fall off your body and that it all did not need that stuff or THINGS...

Tumble dry after a speed spin cycle of wash was FUN yesterday ....i went through this TOO...LOL..

Have a Great Saturday all and a lot of Lion energy and FEMININE is flooding in this weekend...those that are feeling any negativity or dealing with some chaos....let those energy DRAINS go and step away from that...we are all FEELING this WAVE today and great on that TRAIN...vs the bus going off the's all about letting go...keep releasing and being as CLEAR INSIDE yourselves as you can and then Clean SPARKLES..and SHINES so brightly...radiate that LOVE and very much a weekend of this kind of energy and LIGHT and Love...Much Love Roshandra * Blessings....

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Puja and Moon Classes with Roshandra's Services * Arch Angel Gabriel

                    the energies of the moon cycles and planetary alignments are very powerful in aiding one on personal growth, insights, and creating with this lunar energy manifesting and seeding during those doorway times.  PUJA is a type of OFFERING or Ritual done in periods of influence with spirit and Lunar Light.  Very Ancient and of a higher nature of working with our lives and pathways...

                    here is my link on facebook to reach me to join on the bi monthly three day classes...

and the testimony that follows is one of my clients that worked with my services and Pujas to help her move to a new beautiful location and also the classes....Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Gabriel

Jessica Lynn 
I met Roshandra in the spring of 2012 because of our love for Mt Shasta and the area around it. 

Roshandra helped me move some stuck energy that had me living in a place that did not support me or my fur family. She did a puja for me which I followed through on that moved me to my perfect place in a very short amount of time. 

I have done the full and new moon candle work with Roshandra for the past year and it is amazing how she can line up the work, meditations, colors et al with what is going on on the planet and I can share with you that it further helped me to heal issue in my life, move me to a new and wonderful home, and helped me to build my business as well.

Roshandra does amazing work and is an amazing person and healer!

Jessica Lynn  Heart Song Ranch

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Your Body Changing... Message from Roshandra

Notice your BODY and how it feels Now...Message from Roshandra * Arch ANgel Raphael January 15, 2013 

the body is going to be feeling areas where your energy puddles? or where you have cleansing on health to do or immune system boosting time and detoxing...along with your family dna health history showing up...

this is the BODY telling you to Heal those areas...Rebalance your body and is a time that is meant to aid you and the body holds a KNOWING of what is OFF or what is not working harmoniously....

so this means....lighten up on food intake...spices or herbs are perfect...juicing....lemon and honey water ever am....ALKALINE PH of your body and ...stay off JUNK food and Meat...heavy consumption of sugars or unhealthy fats....STAY OFF that....when STRESS Happens we do reach for the foods that are programmed to add FAT to our bodies or CLOG the sytem... so your moment to moment is EAT Healthy ways and DETOX ...

one day a week i do an APPLE day and FRESH Water....
6 to 8 apples that are organic and fresh water...detox mondays
this clears your COLIN too and balances your body quickly....

with all that is going on ...the body needs organ rest and less in the tummy at least one day a week..RULE of thumb and then off and on FAST a 3 day period or up to a week with a healthy fasting method...soups or juice or whatever works for you...

THE BODY needs MOVEMENT and streaching and exercise but again nothing complicated...just move the body

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel Raphael

Messages from Roshandra "


MESSAGE from Roshandra January 15, 2013 THE VOID we are in ...this what you are all experiencing and the dark is throwing all it can 'at you/us'....this is when you are being challenged or tested to stay with this and stay STRONG and in this VOID period moments of...Excitement and JOY for what is coming after we move along through this dark riff and into this LIGHT ...that is inflowing to clear up this stuff in the shadows and around us....

notice how you feel very tired
notice how or what is challenging you
and notice what remains heavy or is falling apart now
at this same time though...this darker side that is corrupt and deceptive is working on it's agenda to keep folks DOWN or Caught in the DECEPTION and False realities this is where this is at and why this is not in the HAPPY Dance ZONE yet

everyone is challenged so it's up to each one to handle your personal stepping stones and stay with this in a positive way and not to give into the darker side of Losing HOPE or CLARITY....

VOID time and Tough time but stay ON it and WITH IT....

Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel RAPHAEL''