Creating within the Fourth Dimension by Roshandra February 22, 2013
We entered what is 'termed' the FOURTH Dimension in November and December of 2012 and we are still dealing with the interesting waves of energy of the PHOTON Belt and the Rim of the Dark RIFF of the MILKY Ways...Stars Aligning and much is going on... BUT we are in a new Dimension while our body is in the 3 Dimension and so we have SHIFTED into this Paradigm of creating in A CUBE that is like a HOLOGRAM with many levels or tiers within this geometry form for us to move with.
Time bends as we go up in dimensions and frequencies and functions differently. WE can FLOW more now and dodge and weave with our creativity and goals while we are mastering this new way of functioning.
Before in the 3 D we functioned in the Pyramid concept model of TOP down or the Building on a base of many others beneath the structure to hold the triangle geometry form. NOT we are in this 4 D and it's like a HOLOGRAM... play with the concept and idea and get used to functioning in this new way and obstacles or blocks WILL NOT DETER or PREVENT you from achieving your foals and manifesting...
I t is like Star Trek on HOLO DECK or a CHESS Game on more then one tier level all playing moves at the same time....YOU WILL WIN once you get the hang of of's RUNNING the GAUNTLET ...enjoy and CUBE with levels inside and all things are possible....
Blessings Roshandra * Arch Angel URIEL...creative manifesting...Namaste..
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